Post-doc vacancy (investigate iron deficiency in plants)
PhD position at IRD in collaboration with Phenospex
Ph.D. position in Forage Systems at Oklahoma State University –
Oklahoma State University, Plant and Soil Science Department, is looking for a Ph.D. student interested in working with forage systems. The selected candidate is expected to start in August 2021 (Fall semester) or January 2022 (Spring semester). The project’s primary goal is to design and evaluate novel pathways to greater water productivity by intensifying and diversifying forage production systems in the southern Great Plains. The successful candidate will develop research focused on (i) sod-seeding cool-season forages into perennial warm-season pastures and (ii) evaluating novel summer forages in rotation with winter wheat. Applicants should have M.S. degree related to Agronomy, Crop, or Plant and Soil Science. The applicant is expected to have excellent academic records, authored/co-authored publications, significant scientific findings at seminars and conferences, and excellent oral and written communication skills. For questions and further information on the position, please contact Dr. Alex Rocateli at
Research Assistant (PhD position)
CIP is looking for new breeding talent to join our potato research team in Vietnam
Assistant/Associate Professor in Fisheries and Marine Science at UNITED ARAB EMIRATES UNIVERSITY
Opportunities in Shrimp Breeding and Genetics
Dr. Alexandre Rodrigues Caetano is seeking applications from breeders/geneticists with Ph.D. degrees in Animal Breeding/Genetics who might have an interest in working in shrimp genetic improvement programs in the context of commercial shrimp breeding companies of varying sizes. We are searching for self-motivated individuals with positive and outgoing personalities, who can focus on improving hands-on operational aspects of shrimp genetic improvement programs, and implementation of efficient and effective shrimp selection strategies, while establishing and building customer relationships. Knowledge and foresights on the application and integration of novel phenotyping and genomic technologies are welcome. Intermediate multilingual skills in English and Spanish are required. Age and previous work experience are not essential considerations. Enthusiastic individuals with a strong drive to put the Science of Genetics to work in the context of real-life commercial genetic improvement programs, but with no stereotypes or preconceived ideas as to what real-life should be, are highly desired. Ph.Ds with degrees in related fields such as Plant or
Microbial Genetics are also welcome to apply. If you are interested, please submit CV to Joao Rocha,