7th National Youth Convention is a two-day event, will be held as Hybrid (Online & Offline) mode at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore for the 7th time during JANUARY 20 -21, 2021. This convention revolves around the theme “Food Security to Nutritional Security: Youth Perspective’’ plans to bring youth in the forefront, scientists, academicians, farmers, industry representatives, planners and law makers together for generating and sharing ideas. Two-day conference consists of a plenary session, concurrent thematic sessions, Poster and oral presentation sessions and a valedictory session.
- Plant Breeding, Nano and biotechnological approaches.
- Climate-smart application of agro farm technology and production system.
- Priming Indian aquaculture towards nutritional security.
- Modernized livestock production and supply chain system.
- Value addition, processing, and scientific post-harvest handling of farm produce.
- Adopting innovative agribusiness modules.
- Improving outreach of location-specific farm technology through ICT for need-based production system.
- Nutritional education & policies, food fortification and diet diversification.
- Plant health and sustainable land management.
- Energy conservation approaches.
CALL FOR ABSTRACTContributing papers are invited on the above themes. First author can present only one paper. Abstracts/Full-length paper should be sent by electronic mail to 7nyc2022@gmail.com (Please share transaction ID & registration form while submitting abstract). Deadline for submission of abstract/invited paper is 30.11.2021.